Monday, March 5, 2018 - California
Drop the needle,
Things are going ok so far. I'm still in the waiting process with the police department. My faith has been shaken a bit, but I'm still moving strong. My will to work out has somewhat died down though.
I feel like I want to eat everything in sight but still want a 6 pack and can kick ass. I am gathering my thoughts and reevaluating my true goals. I'm getting rid of some clothes that I haven't thought about wearing and trying to de-clutter my life a bit.
My finances are still shitty but I'll get to where I want to be eventually. I am planning a surprise trip for mom's birthday and hopefully it all goes to plan. I am debating on whether or not to fly to Texas to see Jermaine. I could but I want it to be right for both of us.
I am needing some time to get back to myself and my thoughts. Spend sometime mediating and finding my center and learn to relax and collect my thoughts. I will get there day by day.